Thursday, October 21, 2010


A few problems I had was again with photoshop as I still am not 100% with all the funtions but with alot fo time and patients I got on with it and got it done, another part of the project I found harder was attaching the ear to the side of the head, with the ammount of polygons on the ear compared to attach points on the sides of the head made this part of the project tough, so if I had time I would of re-made my ear with this in mind.

I was very happy with how my model turned out, if I had a few more days to tweak the model some more I would go back and change the eye sockets and make them a little bit bigger and increase the size of my neck.

Overall the experiance was good, I enjoyed learning new skills and would very much like to make something like this again in the near future.

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