Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reference planes

For the first part of the project, following the tuturials was to create referance planes for our head model, this was done in photoshop, what I had to do was take the two pictures that had been taken of me mentioned previously and zoom into the face areas.

The two pictures had to be lined up using different referance points on the face such as the mouth or eyes, this was done using the ruler tool in photoshop.

Once this had been done I had to draw guide lines onto my face using a bright blue colour, these blue lines were to give me my basic layout for the top-ography later on in the tuturials, once the blue lines had been drawn onto my face, more lines had to be drawn, these were drawn in a bright red with a smaller shaped brush, these lines would create the top-ography for the polygons to be used with modelling the face.

Below is pictures of the stages mentioned above.

Here you can see the blue guide lines drawn onto my face

Here you can see the red lines which will help me create my polygons

Here you can see both parts of my that will need to be modelled with the rulers going through them to line everything up.

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