Thursday, October 21, 2010

Adding Definition to the face [Nostrils]

After making the head into a more desirable shape the next part of the model was to give the face lips, eyelids and nostrils, this part of the modelling took allot of time and after allot of tweaking I finally finished it.

First I started modelling the nostrils, this was done by grabbing the edges of the already basic nostrils and scaling them inwards towards the centre of the nose, these would later become my nose cavity, then by grabbing each vertex I would start attaching them to each other and the rest of the nose to make a basic cavity shape, once this was done all I had to do now was grab a couple polygons on the inside of the nose and drag them upwards into the nose, this gave the illusion of a nose cavity.

Below is a picture of the finished nostrils.

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